Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

High Spots In Western Illustrating. JEFF C. DYKES

High Spots In Western Illustrating.


Other works by JEFF C. DYKES

Publication: The Kansas City Posse, The Westerners, 1964, Kansas City

First edition. #179 of an edition limited to 250 autographed copies. Cloth, ix(1), 30pp., frontis. Details The Documentary Years, 1836-1887, The Golden Age, 1888-1938, The Last Quarter Century, 1939-1962, and Photography and the Western Scene, 1880-1961. Very slight soiling to bottom fore-corner of most pages, else fine.

Inventory Number: 34912