Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Hell With The Fire Out, A History Of The Modoc War. ARTHUR QUINN

Hell With The Fire Out, A History Of The Modoc War.


Other works by ARTHUR QUINN

Publication: Faber and Faber, Inc, 1997, Boston

First edition. Boards, 200pp., epilogue, bibliography. The Modoc War, pivotal in American history, pitted the peace policies of President Ulysses S. Grant and Quaker activist Lucretia Mott against William Tecumseh Sherman - the destroyer of Georgia - and his outspoken desire for the Modocs' "utter extermination." When it ended in 1873, with the execution of the tribal leaders and the relocation of the Modoc tribe to Oklahoma, the federal government's Peace Commission was in tatters. An interesting narrative account of events in the war between the Modoc Indians of southern Oregon and the U.S. Army in 1872 & 1873, paving the way for more famous, but equally bloody, battles at Little Bighorn and Wounded Knee. Fine in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 22271