Publication: Hell On The Border Publishing Co, 1953, Ft Smith, Arkansas
Reprint of rare 1898 first edition. Stiff Pictorial Wrappers. xiii, 303pp. Frontispiece. Several Plates. Descriptive sub-title: "A History of the Great United States Criminal Court at Ft. Smith and of Crimes and Criminals in the Indian Territory and the Trials and Punishment Thereof before his honor United States Judge Isaac C. Parker 'The Terror Of Lawbreakers'... "This outlaw classic describes the career of the famous "hanging judge," Isaac C. Parker of Fort Smith, Arkansas. The author was a lawyer who practiced in Parker's court, and who was intimately familiar with the lawless state of the eastern Indian Territory from the mid-1870s to the 1890s. The Territory had become a refuge for various criminal types on the lam from other jurisdictions, a situation which persisted until its opening to settlement in 1889. Harman describes the criminals and their crimes with gusto."--Bill Reese, Best Of The West 226. Cherokee Bill was a well-known criminal, known for his overwhelming of guards in the jail in Ft. Smith, and killing of one of the guards, for which he was eventually hanged in Ft. Smith. The inscription on the verso of the fronts in this book is noteworthy, and a desirable association: "Bought in Judge Parker's Restoration Court Room, Ft. Smith, Ark. July 26, 1961. Thanks. Adeline Keating Michael, daughter of Larry Keating, guard murdered by Cherokee Bill on July 26, 1895." Some creasing and wear to wrappers, with a few small chips to edges. Text block clean and tight, with tanning to paper. Very good.
Inventory Number: 53469