Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

H.E. Hessler Co. The Stove Repairer-Tin Shop Supplier And General Hardware. We Cater To The Millionaire's Taste At Poor Man's Prices. A Low Price And High Value Is What We Offer. Our Motto-Not How Cheap But How Good. No Order Too Small-None Too Large For Us. Established Fifty Years. No. 30. March 1 1928 H.E. Hessler Co.

H.E. Hessler Co. The Stove Repairer-Tin Shop Supplier And General Hardware. We Cater To The Millionaire's Taste At Poor Man's Prices. A Low Price And High Value Is What We Offer. Our Motto-Not How Cheap But How Good. No Order Too Small-None Too Large For Us. Established Fifty Years. No. 30. March 1 1928

H.E. Hessler Co.

Other works by H.E. Hessler Co.

Publication: HE Hessler Co, 1928, Syracuse

Quarto. Color pictorial stapled wrappers. 148pp. plus wrappers. Numerous black and white illustrations, prices. Index. Features many different items such as animal traps, crow bars, butcher's saw, garbage cans, door springs, galvanized fittings, hack saws, gas stove ovens, wood screws, shipping cans, thermos bottles, twine, steel wool, et. al. Their motto is "No Order Too Small-None Too Large For Us." Laid-in is a promotional piece from H.E. Hessler Co. for this 1928 Spring Catalog. Light wear to spine ends else a very nice, bright and informative copy.

Inventory Number: 36447