Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Harrowing Adventures Of An Old-Time Cowboy And Sheriff. CARL HANSEN

Harrowing Adventures Of An Old-Time Cowboy And Sheriff.


Other works by CARL HANSEN

Publication: Pioneer Printing, Inc, 1989, Roswell

First edition. 8vo. Edited by Clarence S. and Joan N. Adams. Signed by both editors. Cloth, vi, 81 pp., illus., index. Edited by Clarence S. and Joan N. Adams. An interesting account of the life and unique experiences of Carl Hansen, who grew up in Otero County, New Mexico in the early 1900's. Includes material on Tom Bell; Les Dow; Col. Albert J. Fountain; the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation; and the New Mexico Livestock Association. His life spanned the time of horse and buggy days in New Mexico through his witnessing the first atomic bomb explosion at Trinity Site. As new, unread copy, without dust jacket, as issued.

Inventory Number: 32026