Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Hand-Written Letter By Author Eugene Manlove Rhodes EUGENE MANLOVE RHODES

Hand-Written Letter By Author Eugene Manlove Rhodes



Publication: Written by Eugene Manlove Rhodes n d (ca 1921), Los Angeles

An 8 1/2" x 11" letter written from "Los Angeles, Calif. July 11." The letter is as follows: "Dear Mr. Martin: Just to show that I appreciate your kindness in giving me dope on Mexican situation, my publishers are sending you a copy of my 'Stepsons' book. Possibly I wrote to this effect then (?). I am very forgetful. Wishing you the same / Yours truly / E. M. Rhodes / Don't bother to answer. Have taken up a lot of your time already." Laid-in is a 1 1/2" x 3" business card printed with "Eugene M. Rhodes" and "phone after 2 P. M." on the front and with a penciled note on the front and back of the card that reads: "To see Mr. Martin you will know him because he has his hands in his own pockets, and he will be sitting in front of Cigar Stand, reading a good book and smoking a bad pipe." The business card message while not signed is by Gene Rhodes based upon the words in the letter and the use of his personal business card. Accompanying the letter and business card is a good copy of a first edition of Rhodes' Stepsons of Light. The letter and business card are in very good condition.

Inventory Number: 49917