Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Hand Forged For Texas Cowboys. KURT HOUSE

Hand Forged For Texas Cowboys.


Other works by KURT HOUSE

Publication: Three Rivers Publishing Company, 2001, San Antonio

First edition. Quarto. Brown fabricoid, Gold stamping on front cover and spine, decorated endpapers, 160 pp., dedication, frontis., foreword, preface and acknowledgments, prologue, illustrated, glossary, bibliography, index. A nostalgic look at the old time village blacksmith along with the work of many of those skilled artisans. There is special emphasis placed on Joseph Bianchi, who worked in southeastern Texas, and developed into an outstanding craftsman in the manufacture of horse bridle bits and spurs needed by the local cowboys. Information is given on the history of ranching in North America, gear used by Texas cowboys, blacksmithing in Texas, and the modern surge to collect western memorabilia. As New in dust jacket. Original Prospectus and Order Form laid-in.

Inventory Number: 51866