Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Great Northern Railway Line -- Stock-Raising In Montana -- Oct. 24th, 1890 WHITNEY, R. I. [GENERAL PASSENGER AND TICKET AGENT]

Great Northern Railway Line -- Stock-Raising In Montana -- Oct. 24th, 1890


Other works by WHITNEY, R. I.

Publication: Great Northern Railway, 1890, St Paul

11" x 17" single folded sheet forming four 11" x 8 1/2" pages. Contains a letter from F.I. Whitney stating “Dear Sir, Enclosed find partial list of breeders of cattle, horses and sheep in Central and Northern Montana. The climate and grasses of that state are so markedly favorable to the stock-raising industries that they are in a highly prosperous condition and increasing very rapidly. Montana wool sells highest of all range wools, Montana cattle sell higher than from any other part of the range country (see Chicago quotations) Montana range cattle are already a high cross, chiefly Shorthorn and Hereford; sheep are principally grade Merinos; horses generally derived from Oregon stock. Great Falls is the largest original market for wool in the United States, receipts being over 4,000,000 pounds for 1890. Benton, Big Sandy, Chinook and Glasgow each receive from 200,000 to 2,000,000 pounds per annum. Montana stock men are fully alive to the advantages of improved blood and are now grading up to a better standard. There are few or no breeders of full blooded stock, and consequently excellent openings in that direction exist throughout Central and Northern Montana. Many ranch locations can still be had along the Milk, Marias, Teton, Missouri and other valleys. ….” Also a list of Montana Live Stock Breeders for cattle, sheep and horses plus two wonderful illustrations and a full page map of the Great Northern Railway Line and connections, showing the Northwest United States. Not in Adams Herd. No copies on OCLC. Very good copy.

Inventory Number: 47666