Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Globe Buffer Co., Health & Comfort. 25 Tremont Street, Boston Globe Buffer Co., Boston, Massachusetts

Globe Buffer Co., Health & Comfort. 25 Tremont Street, Boston

Globe Buffer Co., Boston, Massachusetts

Other works by Globe Buffer Co., Boston, Massachusetts

Publication: WH Butler, nd ca 1885, Philadelphia

5 11/16" x 12 3/4" color sheet folded to 6 panels. Illustrations. Among the successful shoe-machines invented by the Globe Buffer company was the “Globe Buffer,” a machine for “buffing,” or sandpapering, the bottoms of boots and shoes. The first “ Globe Buffer" was set up in November, 1881. The company also manufactured the “Globe Heel Scourer” for smoothing or scouring the edges of heels of boots and shoes. The company also introduced the "Globe Insole," an invention the promised to replace the flexible leather that was currently in vogue for insoles to shoes. It was invented and patented by Mr. George A. Fullerton, and consists of a substance very similar to leather, but which is stronger and much more flexible. To test the merits the shoes, thousands of pairs were produced and worn, and in not a single pair of them did a stitch give out. The material for the insoles is stronger than any leather of the same thickness. It is preserved, while leather is destroyed, by perspiration. The edges are smooth, which prevents them from cutting the stitches. Shoes made of it will not squeak. The brochure offers one cover panel showing 2 cherubs, one holding a woman's boot and the other the "Globe Flexible Insole; one panel offering the company's guarantee; and one panel offering information about their insoles. "Remember that the INSOLE is the foundation of the shoe, and that Glove Flexible Insole" is superior in every particular to leather or any other known substance. That the stitches and tacks are all beneath the surface, thus contributing a smooth soft cushion." Opposite 3 panels offers a beautiful color sailing scene showing a yacht race and with "Compliments of the Globe Buffer co. only Manufacturers of Globe Flexible Insoles at the bottom of one panel. One panel has been separated and neatly reattached using cellophane tape.

Inventory Number: 42031