Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

From Tree To Trade The Long-Bell Lumber Company

From Tree To Trade

The Long-Bell Lumber Company

Other works by The Long-Bell Lumber Company

Publication: Ferry-Hanley Advertising Co, 1920, Kansas City

First edition. 11" x 8-1/2" in forest green decorated thick printed wrappers with the title and the company name raised in gold gilt. Front free endpaper. [2] 46 pp. rear free endpaper. [2] Double column printing. The title page is a beautiful color illustration of a home nestled among trees and bordered in yellow. Light pine green decorated border at the top and bottom of each page. "In 1887, Robert A. Long and Victor Bell formed the Long-Bell Lumber Company in Columbus, Kansas. The Long-Bell Lumber Company branched out using balanced vertical integration to control all aspects of lumber from the sawmills to the retail lumber yard. As the company expanded it moved further south and eventually had holdings in Arkansas, Oklahoma Indian Territory, and Louisiana, before heading west to Washington. "Lumbering was the first American industry...the colonists were compelled to cut down trees from which to build themselves shelter." Forest products were among the first materials exported from this country due to the immediate demand from England for shipbuilding. Discusses modernizing the lumbering industry; community life in the lumber industry; life in logging camps; the lumber process from cutting down trees to planing the wood to shipping it out; quality of lumbering; creosoted wood products; American lumber in foreign countries; etc. Numerous illustrations throughout of sawmill plants, processing the logs, many different types and sizes of logs, storage sheds, a creosoting plant, fences, chicken houses, etc. A nicely produced, striking pamphlet that is filled with information. Light wear to head and toe of spine else fine copy.

Inventory Number: 49207