Publication: Privately printed, 1923, Simsbury, Connecticut
First edition. 8vo. Signed by the author in the year of publication. Original fine, stiff wrappers with mounted picture of "Handsome Dick", (the horse) at three years of age on the front cover, 180 pp., illustrated from photographs. The title pretty much says it all. A page proceeding the narrative offers "The Seven Reasons for Making this Trip." Among them were a desire to be the first person to drive a single horse from one ocean to the other, curiosity about working conditions and the kind of hospitality he would receive in the 18 states he would cross, and "to get away from a state [i.e, California], where it is almost impossible for a working man to get enough money together to pay his fare out of the state." Bookplate of Californiana collector Thomas Wayne Norris on verso of front cover, else a fine copy of an uncommon narrative..
Inventory Number: 41700