Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Forty Years On The Frontier. GRANVILLE STUART

Forty Years On The Frontier.



Publication: Arthur H Clark Co, 1925, Cleveland

First edition. 2 vols. Cloth, 272pp., + 265pp., 10 plates, T.E.G. "Granville Stuart was one of the first to raise cattle in Montana. During the 1880's cattle boom he was manager and for a time part owner of the largest outfit in Montana, the D-H-S. Most of the second volume is devoted to this period...Stuart was an important figure in Montana, the president of the state's first stock grower's association and president of the Board of Stock Commissioners. His book has become a classic."---Bill Reese. "Nothing better on the cowboys has ever been written than the chapter entitled 'Cattle Business.' A prime work throughout."--J. Frank Dobie. "Written by a well-educated and influential pioneer of early Montana, this work contains much valuable history. The author did much to organize a group of latter-day vigilantes to break up a band of horse and cow thieves who became so bold in their operations that drastic measures had to be taken."--Ramon Adams. "Stuart was one of the first great cattle barons of the Northwest. His journal is one of the classic accounts of frontier life."--Clark/Brunet. A fine, bright set. Very scarce and avidly sought. Recommended.

Inventory Number: 28818