Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Fort Sill. A History. MORRIS SWETT

Fort Sill. A History.


Other works by MORRIS SWETT

Publication: Privately printed, 1921, Fort Sill

First edition. 8vo. Original printed wrappers, n.p. [66 pp.], preface, illustrated from photographs. A compilation of the most important events pertaining to the history of Fort Sill and of the Field Artillery School. This reservation is situated on Medicine Bluff Creek, in Comanche County, on the line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, about 6 miles north of Lawton, and contains an area of about 51,292 acres. Reserved from the public domain originally as an Indian Reservation for the benefit of the Wichita, Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indians, a tract of 23,040 acres was set apart as a military reservation by Executive order of October 7, 1871. By executive orders of February 26, 1897, September 20, 1901, and August 29, 1907, the reservation was enlarged by the addition of 26,987.30 acres. Discusses early expeditions, campaigns, Indian battles, establishment of Fort Sill, various commandants, the Field Artillery School, and much more. "Rare. This work offers the history of the military post and its artillery school, with a section on Custer and the 1868-69 winter campaign against the Southern Plains Indians."-- O'Keefe 2329. Light general soiling and minor edge wear. A very good copy of a choice item.

Inventory Number: 52673