Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

"For All Time To Come" WALTER E. LONG

"For All Time To Come"


Other works by WALTER E. LONG

Publication: The Steck Company, 1964, Austin

First edition. 4to. Limited to 1,000 copies numbered and signed by the author. This is number 357. Cloth, titles in gilt on the front cover and spine, frontispiece, xv [blank], 111 pp., illustrated mostly from photographs, drawings, maps, bibliography, exhibits. Housed in a separate slipcase are six maps that accompany this volume. The maps are in as new, unused condition. Walter E. Long says: "For All Time To Come is not a history of The University of Texas. It is a brief compilation of events tracing the efforts in 1921 of the Regents and Robert E. Vinson, President of The University of Texas, to enlarge the University forty acre campus, and is written not to reflect glory on any person, but to preserve a record which is rapidly being obscured by the passage of time. 'For All Time To Come' is woven together by the author from the printed and typed records and from his knowledge of the actors as he worked with and knew them in that brief period when a great campus was at stake. This story is presented to you while the weaver can still feed the woof into the warp of the loom." Both the book and the maps are in fine condition and are bound in matching cloth and housed in a matching slipcase

Inventory Number: 50239