Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Finn Burnett, Frontiersman. The Life And Adventures Of An Indian Fighter, Mail Coach Driver, Miner, Pioneer Cattleman Participant In The Powder River Expedition, Survivor Of The Hay Field Fight, Associate Of Jim Bridger And Chief Washakie ROBERT BEEBE DAVID

Finn Burnett, Frontiersman. The Life And Adventures Of An Indian Fighter, Mail Coach Driver, Miner, Pioneer Cattleman Participant In The Powder River Expedition, Survivor Of The Hay Field Fight, Associate Of Jim Bridger And Chief Washakie



Publication: The Arthur H Clark Company, 1937, Glendale

First edition. 8vo. Red cloth, titles stamped in gold gilt on the spine, teg., 378 pp., frontispiece (portrait), illustrated, diagrams, half title, untrimmed. Volume I in the Western Frontiersmen Series. "Based on the recollections of Burnett, dictated to his grand-daughter shortly before his death and while he was president of the Wyoming Pioneers Association, this work contains minute and picturesque details of the foundations of the pioneer experience. He was a very important pioneer of the upper plains and northern Rockies."--Clark/Brunet 56. "His version of "the hanging of the chiefs" (at Fort Laramie) is sharply at odds with that given by George Bird Grinnell...Subsequently Finn figures in campaigns against the Sioux and Cheyenne on the Upper Platte and in Powder River country."--Merrill J. Mattes. Fine copy. Protected in slipcase.

Inventory Number: 51981