Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Famous Bandits. Brief Accounts Of The Lives Of Jesse James, Cole Younger, Billy The Kid, And Others RUTH T. ROBERTSON

Famous Bandits. Brief Accounts Of The Lives Of Jesse James, Cole Younger, Billy The Kid, And Others


Other works by RUTH T. ROBERTSON

Publication: Washington Bureau, 1928, Washington

First Edition. Self-Wrappers. [4]pp. Single sheet folded. "A condensed account of the outlaws' activities, together with the dates and places of their births and deaths."-"Rare"--SIXGUNS 1874. "Rare. This little folder, probably prepared for ready reference by news reporters, gives the minimum essential information: place and date of birth, place and date of death, and major incidents in the lives of a number of outlaws, including the Kid."--Dykes, BTK 127. Also includes the Ford Brothers, Charles Quantrell, and Henry Plummer. This piece was distributed by the Washington Bureau, Washington,D. C., Director Frederick M. Kerby. Soiling and dampstaining, primarily to front page. Pronounced vertical fold to this fragile work. A fair-good copy of an outlaw rarity.

Inventory Number: 52709