Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Exploration And Empire, The Explorer And The Scientist In The Winning Of The American West WILLIAM H. GOETZMANN

Exploration And Empire, The Explorer And The Scientist In The Winning Of The American West



Publication: Alfred A Knopf, 1966, New York

First edition. Cloth, 656 pp., numerous maps and illustrations. Thoroughly-researched account of the exploration of the American West in all it's major phases. Goetzmann's scholarly work divides the exploration into 3 major periods: "Exploration and Imperialism (1800-1845)," a period begun by trappers and traders that developed into a clash over empire with the English to the north and Spanish to the south; "The Great Reconnaissance and Manifest Destiny," (1845-1860), a period of border exploration and settlement, as well as the search for the route of a transcontinental railway; and "Exploration and the Great Surveys," (1860-1900), the period of military and scientific surveys of the vast resources of the West. Based on research in primary materials this comprehensive narrative covers almost every Western expedition during the 19th century. Pulitzer Prize Winner. An outstanding work and increasingly scarce. A fine, bright copy, in dust jacket with 1" closed-tear to top edge, else fine.

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