Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Volume One, Fall 1941 QUEEN ELLERY [EDITED BY]

Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. Volume One, Fall 1941


Other works by QUEEN ELLERY

Publication: Published By Lawrence E Spivak, 1941, New York

First edition. Digest size paperback original. First issue of the 80 year old periodical. Contains seven short stories: "Too Many Have Lived" by Dashiell Hammett; "The Question Mark" by Margery Allingham; "The Cablegram" by T. S. Stribling; "About The Perfect Crime of Mr. Digberry" by Anthony Abbott; "Dime A Dance" by Cornell Woolrich; "Wild Onions" by Frederick Hazlitt Brennan; and "The Adventure of the Treasure Hunt" by Ellery Queen. Price mark on front cover is 20 cents. Covers lightly used with a small "ding" to lower rear spine panel else a very good, clean and tight copy of the very first EQMM. Housed in a clamshell case.

Inventory Number: 48607