Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

E. C. Atkins & Co., Incorporated Saws, Saw Tools, Mill Supplies, Specialties. Catalogue  No.17 E. C. ATKINS & COMPANY

E. C. Atkins & Co., Incorporated Saws, Saw Tools, Mill Supplies, Specialties. Catalogue No.17


Other works by E. C. ATKINS & COMPANY

Publication: R R Donnelley & Sons, Co, 1917, Chicago

First edition. 8vo. Brown cloth, titles and decorations in black on the front cover and spine, xxxix [blank], 415 [1] pp., introductory, frontispiece [view of Indianapolis & Hamilton, Ontario plants], numerical codes, index, illustrated throughout with every type of saws, equipment and mill supplies for the commercial operation. This very rare pre-World War I Atkins' saw catalogue promoting the company saws for sawmills, logging operations, loggers, and carpenters at the end of the Edwardian era. This lavishly illustrated catalog advertises the company's cutter heads, band saws, hack saw blades, files, clamps, saw sharpeners, thresher belts, pulleys, chain belts, gears, and much more. This very successful company was originally founded in 1855, and became well known for their circular sawblades, and bandsaw blades, circular saw equipment, metal sawblades, as well as their patented crosscut saws. Their main plants were in Indianapolis and Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Branch offices were in Atlanta, Chicago, Memphis, Minneapolis, New Orleans, New York City, Portland, Oregon, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, B.C., and Sydney, N.S.W. No copies located in Worldcat. Two small labels affixed to top of front cover and top of spine [both removable with proper care], else a fine, bright copy.

Inventory Number: 48043