Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Death Out Of Thin Air. STUART TOWNE

Death Out Of Thin Air.


Other works by STUART TOWNE

Publication: Coward-McCann, 1941, New York

First edition. 0riginally published serially in Red Star Mystery magazine under the titles GHOST OF THE UNDEAD and DEATH OUT OF THIN AIR. A pseudonym of Clayton Rawson and the first appearance using this pseudonym. These two pulp novelettes feature a magician-sleuth called Don Diavolo and the titles are DEATH FROM THE PAST and DEATH FROM THE UNSEEN. In the story DEATH FROM THE PAST, Diavolo must solve a murder of a frightened female medium, committed in his own backstage dressing room, apparently by a vampire conjured up during a seance. In DEATH FROM THE UNSEEN, an inventor claims to have invented an invisibility machine. A few weeks later an invisible man murders a detective at police headquarters and then challenges Diavolo to find him. If you are unfamiliar with Don Diavolo, he is an illusionist who gets involved in crimes only a magician could commit. The stories are thoroughly entertaining and readable. Fine, tight copy in a bright, un-faded dust jacket with light professional restoration to the spine ends, corners and extremities.

Inventory Number: 50432