Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Deadly Dozen. Twelve Forgotten Gunfighters Of The Old West. Volume 3 ROBERT K. DEARMENT

Deadly Dozen. Twelve Forgotten Gunfighters Of The Old West. Volume 3


Other works by ROBERT K. DEARMENT

Publication: University of Oklahoma Press, 2010, Norman

First edition. 8vo. Two-tone quarter cloth and paper over boards, brown colored endpapers, xiv, 396 pp., foreword, acknowledgments, introduction, illustrated, afterword, notes, bibliography, index. The author tells the story of twelve infamous gunfighters, feared in their own times but all but forgotten today. The obscure but dangerous men are Farmer Peel, Charlie Harrison, Whispering Smith, Jim Levy, Dave Neagle, Billy Brooks, Port Stockton, Ike Stockton, Jim McIntire, Jim Masterson, Ed Short, and Hill Loftis. The author is a talented writer and brings these figures from the Old West to life. As new, unread copy in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 52068