Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Dateline Fort Bowie, Charles Fletcher Lummis Reports On An Apache War DAN C (EDITOR) THRAPP

Dateline Fort Bowie, Charles Fletcher Lummis Reports On An Apache War


Other works by DAN C (EDITOR) THRAPP

Publication: University of Oklahoma Press, 1979, Norman

First edition. Cloth, 206pp., num. illus., 3 maps. Lummis was a reporter for the Los Angeles Times assigned to Ft. Bowie in 1886 to record events in the Army's pursuit of Geronimo. This book reproduces every dispatch that is attributed to Lummis. The story of Geronimo’s depredations above and below the Mexican border as well as the efforts of the military to capture the elusive leader of the Chiricahuas. Other chapters focus on Lummis’ views on the nature of the Apache, the scouts employed in the various campaigns, Crook’s Indian policy, the Fort Bowie cemetery, and the death of Captain Emmet Crawford at the hand of Mexican irregulars in the Sierra Madre that threatened to become an international incident. This unique and important compilation is carefully edited, annotated, and introduced by the noted scholar, Dan L. Thrapp. Spine of dust jacket is very slightly sunned, else a very fine copy.

Inventory Number: 50029