Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Colorado's Landmark Hotels LINDA R. WOMMACK

Colorado's Landmark Hotels


Other works by LINDA R. WOMMACK

Publication: Filter Press, 2012, Palmer Lake

First edition. 8vo, Color, stiff, pictorial wrappers, [6], v [1], 205 pp., foreword, preface, introduction, illustrated, glossary of architectural design, bibliography, index, acknowledgments, about the author. A beautiful and informative book that is a pleasure to read. Thirty hotels in various parts of Colorado are discussed including The Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, the Victor Hotel in Victor, The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, and many others. "A bullet wedged in the wall of the Grand Imperial Hotel is a reminder of Silverton's wilder days. President Theodore Roosevelt's 1905 visit to the Hotel Colorado sparked the creation of the Teddy Bear. The Brown Palace Hotel accommodated the 1964 visit of the Beatles and pop culture history was made. Many Colorado hotels are said to be haunted. In the legendary Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, ghosts reportedly roamed long before Stephen King's visit." ---- promotional blurb. The movie "The Shining" was written by Stephen King and filmed at the Stanley Hotel. Includes music CD by award-winning singer/songwriter Jon Chandler. As new, unread copy.

Inventory Number: 39033