Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Colorado Springs, Its Climate, Scenery And Society THOMAS C. PARRISH

Colorado Springs, Its Climate, Scenery And Society


Other works by THOMAS C. PARRISH

Publication: The Gazette Printing Company, 1889, Colorado Springs

First edition. 12mo. Pictorial printed wrappers, 48 pp., illustrated, frontispiece, appendix. Discusses the climate as a health resort, along with the amount of daily sunshine, the temperature, relative humidity, etc. Much on scenic attractions, including the Cheyenne Canyons, Glen Eyrie and the Garden of the Gods, Blair Athol, Monument Park, Bear Creek Canyon, Manitou, Ute Pass, Pike's Peak Trail, Palmer Lake, and much more. Also promotes the fine homes, churches, shopping markets, police and fire protection, schools etc. This booklet promotes the advantages of Colorado Springs as a health and pleasure resort with hotels and boarding houses listed along with daily rates, etc. A section on Colorado College is also provided. Spine a bit worn, else a very good copy.

Inventory Number: 42252