Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Colorado And Its People. A Narrative And Topical History Of The Centennial State. Four Volumes LEROY R. (EDITED BY) HAFEN

Colorado And Its People. A Narrative And Topical History Of The Centennial State. Four Volumes


Other works by LEROY R. (EDITED BY) HAFEN

Publication: Lewis Historical Publishing CO, Inc, 1948, New York

First edition. 4to. Volume I: Green cloth, map endpapers, xvi, 644 pp., foreword, illustrated, portraits., plates, maps. Volume II: Green cloth, map endpapers, 784 pp., illustrated mostly from photographs, appendix, index. Volume III: Green cloth, map endpapers, [6], 404 pp., portraits. Volume IV: Green cloth, map endpapers, [6], 405 - 810 pp., portraits, index. The first volumes are devoted to an unusually thorough history of the state, including the state's natural history and its people; the last two biographies and portraits of prominent or wealthy citizens as well as family histories. One of the most worthwhile of all mug books, due to the eminence and historical astuteness of its editor. The first volume is largely the work of Leroy Hafen. The second is turned over to various authorities on special topics. Not in Herd. Four volume set in very good to fine condition.

Inventory Number: 49282