Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Color Illustrated Letter From "Bullwacker" Bill Hooker To Author Kenneth Harris In New York City, April 5, 1921 "BULLWACKER" BILL HOOKER

Color Illustrated Letter From "Bullwacker" Bill Hooker To Author Kenneth Harris In New York City, April 5, 1921



Publication: Written and drawn by "Bullwacker" Bill Hooker, 1921, New York

Single leaf manuscript letter and colorful original artwork on recto and verso. Bill Hooker was a hired bullwhacker of oxen wagons throughout Wyoming and the west beginning in 1874 to take supplies to Indian reservations and remote army posts and thus an early traveler of the Sidney Trail. In his book "Bullwhacker Adventures of a Frontier Freighter" he tells tales of his freighting adventures and his friendships with Buffalo Bill, General Custer and many others. He later was the editor of "Erie Railroad Magazine" and this letter is on "Erie Railroad Company" letterhead. The letter is written to fellow author and bullwhacker historian Kenneth Harris regarding Harris' impending visit to New York City to collect from his publisher Holt the proceeds of his only book MEET MR. STEGG, which was published in 1920. The dust jacket of the book calls this a "Rare collection of American frontier humor stories as told by Mr. Stegg, "the old bullwhacker of Sidney, Nebraska." In full the front of the letter which shows a bullwhacker working his team reads: Dear Kennett Harris: Meet Bill Hooker Regular freighting team. 7 yokes - you'll have to imagine the other 2 1/2. The lead wagon ought to be about one-third larger than the trail, but....there's the rub! I'm no artist, tho still a bullwhacker at heart. Bill Hooker. Bullwhacker of the early 70's in Wyoming. Done while sitting up with my sick life-pard. Naturally my mind back-trails. Oh well, I wish I could draw. New York April 5/1921. The verso concerns Hooker's plan to visit John Hunton ("for whom I worked as a bullwhacker") at Fort Laramie. "He's a fine old scout--a perfect gentleman." John Hunton, according to Wyominghistory.org " took a contract to supply Fort Laramie with firewood, and his government contracts expanded steadily during the next 10 years into big business for that period. In addition to wood, he supplied hay, beef, charcoal, lime and other commodities to Fort Fetterman and Camp McKinney as well as to Fort Laramie", no doubt hiring Hooker to help haul these supplies. Hunton began to keep a diary in 1875 which would later be published in several volumes. The letter in full reads: N.Y.C. April 5th 1921 Dear Mr. Harris: When you come to New York to collect from Holt for your fine book (Stegg) please call on me and will talk it over. My office is at 50 Church St, R1173, but after this week go to 71 N. 23d st. (.... bldg) Cor. 6th Ave. Am planning to visit old Ft. Laramie and John Hunton (for whom I worked as a bullwhacker) in June; also to Black Hills & will see Doc Pierce, Willard, Sturges et. al. I certainly enjoyed "Meet Mr. Stegg." Oh for the old days! Yours William Francis Hooker. Had a fine letter from John Hunton today. Still at Ft. Laramie! Worked for him 47 years ago. Have a photo of him taken 41 years ago. You know him - or of him - of course. He's a fine old scout - a perfect gentleman. Truly a one-of-a-kind letter combining three noted western authors and larger than life personalities. Previous folds with subtle archival repairs along folds. Very good condition. Remarkably unique, colorful and fragile manuscript letter with original artwork from William Francis "Bill" Hooker to Kenneth Harris.

Inventory Number: 50827