Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Calamity Jane - March 7, 1896 CALAMITY JANE

Calamity Jane - March 7, 1896


Other works by CALAMITY JANE

Publication: The Illustrated American magazine, 1896, New York & Chicago

First edition. Quarto. Story appears in The Illustrated American, Vol. XIX, No. 316, For the week ending March 7, 1896. Illustrated with a rare picture captioned "Calamity Jane - From her latest photograph." It is a full-figure photo taking most of a column. The balance of the page is taken up with an article on her. "Calamity" had been away for some years, and her return was regarded with interest by everybody in town. We made our way to lower Deadwood, past fruit stands, French cafes, wine-rooms, Chinese chop-houses and laundries, and stopped to inquire our way of the old colored woman who tells fortunes. "Right ovah dar on de hill. She's stayin' wid Californey Jack's family." We climbed the steep hillside and found a cozy little house set among the pines. The door was opened by a woman and to our question if Calamity Jane lived there, answered good-naturally: "Yes, that's me...." The magazine lacks both the front and rear covers, else a very good copy.

Inventory Number: 46304