Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Buick Motor Cars For Nineteen Twenty-Eight. Beauty, Smartness, Luxury, Color, Speed, And Power In A Degree That Sets A New Standard Of Comparison Buick Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan

Buick Motor Cars For Nineteen Twenty-Eight. Beauty, Smartness, Luxury, Color, Speed, And Power In A Degree That Sets A New Standard Of Comparison

Buick Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan

Other works by Buick Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan

Publication: Evans Winter Hebb, 1928, Detroit

First edition. Original 7 1/8" x 11 1/2" oblong beige, stiff wrappers with gold lettering and blue medallion to front cover, 23 pp., foreword, illustrated in color. Laid-in are two contemporaneous business cards for Eldridge Buick Company, Seattle, WA. One of which is folded, with 1928 vehicle prices and 16 models described, and illustrated in full color. Shown in full-page views and in color are Buick Model 20, two-door, five passenger sedan; the Model 24 four passenger, deluxe Sport Roadster; the Model 25 five passenger, deluxe, Sport Touring car; the Model 26 two passenger coupe; the Model 26 S four passenger, Country Club Coupe; the Model 27 four door, five passenger sedan; the Model 29 five passenger Town Brougham; the Model 47 five passenger sedan; the Model 47 S five passenger Town Brougham; the Model 48 four passenger coupe; the Model 50 seven passenger sedan; the Model 51 five passenger Brougham; the Model 54 five passenger, deluxe, Sport Roadster; the Model 54 C four passenger Country Club Coupe; the Model 55 five passenger, deluxe, Sport Touring car; and the Model 58 five passenger coupe. A brief look at specifications and prices for all models is provided. An impressive catalogue in fine condition complete with the original mailing envelope which show a bit of modest wear to the extremities. An impressive catalogue. OCLC records just one institutional holding of this trade catalogue.

Inventory Number: 42215