Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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Brandy Station To Manila Bay, A Biography Of General Wesley Merritt. DON E. ALBERTS

Brandy Station To Manila Bay, A Biography Of General Wesley Merritt.


Other works by DON E. ALBERTS

Publication: Presidial Press, 1981, Austin

First edition. Cloth, 352pp., illus., 7 maps, index. Extensive biblio. An excellent work. Merritt's military career spanned 45 years. A year out of West Point, he entered the Civil War and rose rapidly, becoming one of the "Boy Generals." Merritt served in the West after the Civil War. Eight years in Texas followed by involvement in the Sioux campaigns of 1876, where he was with Crooks Expedition at the Battle at Slim Buttes; the Bannock War in 1878; in Chicago on the Reno Court of Inquiry in 1879; he went to the relief of Thornburgh's besieged campaign in the Ute uprising in 1879; then, in 1882, he returned to West Point. He later commanded the expedition to the Philippines, captured Manila, and briefly governed the Islands. A well-researched account of Merritt's career. As New in dust jacket.

Inventory Number: 51651