Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Boswell, The Story Of A Frontier Lawman. MARY LOU PENCE

Boswell, The Story Of A Frontier Lawman.


Other works by MARY LOU PENCE

Publication: Pioneer Printing & Stationery Co, 1978, Laramie

First edition. Fabricoid, 186pp., foreword, acknowledgements, bibliography, illustrated from photos & paintings. Contains a chapter on "Chief Detective for the Stock Grower's." "Boz" was a fearless a lawman as the West ever saw. He lived through Indian attacks, outlaw trails, lawless railroad towns, and range wars. His courage, his daring, his conquests made him an important figure in the days of America's last frontier. Boswell was with Chivington at Sand Creek; was a Rocky Mountain Detective in Colorado; and traveled with Crook at the Rosebud. Fine in dust jacket with 1 1/2" split to dust jacket fold.

Inventory Number: 17766