Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Border Command. General Phil Sheridan In The West CARL COKE RISTER

Border Command. General Phil Sheridan In The West


Other works by CARL COKE RISTER

Publication: University of Oklahoma Press, 1944, Norman

First Edition. Cloth. xii., 244pp. Illustrations. 2 Maps. Bibliography. Index. An excellent biography of this important officer during the Indian Wars era. "This book covers the battles of the Washita and Little Big Horn, with much on Custer."--O'Keefe 2077. Covers Beecher's Island, Kiowa problems, the Red River campaign, with much on Custer and Mackenzie. A fine, bright copy in a dust jacket with very slightly sunned spine.

Inventory Number: 52221