Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Bomber's Moon ALAN HUNTER

Bomber's Moon


Other works by ALAN HUNTER

Publication: Constable, 1994, London

First edition. Inscribed by the author on the front fly leaf "For my wife / Binky." Fine in dust jacket. A German industrialist and once decorated Luftwaffe pilot from Hitler's war on a sentimental visit to Suffolk, where he'd been shot down on a raid and subsequently enjoyed life among the farming folk as a POW, had been fished out of the sea, quite dead, after a late night drinking bout at the local pub. Superintendent Gently at the request of the German Embassy in London, is sent to look into the matter and establish the motives for his death. From the library of Alan Hunter. Provenance: the estate of Alan Hunter.

Inventory Number: 44269