Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Austin, Texas, "The City Of The Violet Crown." Her Thriving Industries - Beautiful Homes - Commercial And Public Buildings - Educational And State Institutions - Scenic Views - Additions And Places Of Interest And A Statistical Review Of Business Resources. The Ideal Home City TEMPLEMAN & REISSIG, PUBLISHERS

Austin, Texas, "The City Of The Violet Crown." Her Thriving Industries - Beautiful Homes - Commercial And Public Buildings - Educational And State Institutions - Scenic Views - Additions And Places Of Interest And A Statistical Review Of Business Resources. The Ideal Home City



Publication: Press of E L Steck with Photos by Jordan Company, 1917, Austin

First edition. 4to. 15 x 30.3 cm (5 3/4" x 11 7/8") string-tied printed wrappers, n. p. (96 pp.), introductory, illustrated from numerous photographs, portraits, about Austin, Texas. Touting itself as "A Modern 20th Century City" the publishers advise "This booklet is not alone intended as a 'souvenir,' but to show by actual illustrations what Austin really is. The views herein were made especially for this work and the ambition of the publishers has been to faithfully present, through the media of the camera, engraver and printer's art, Austin, the 'City of the Violet Crown,' as it is to-day." Many views are provided of prominent business locations such as E. M. Scarbrough & Sons Department Store, Calcasieu Lumber Company, Elgin Butler Brick & Tile Company, and many others. Also views of homes of prominent citizens; banks, public schools, municipal buildings, Travis County Court House, local businesses, churches, St. Edward College, Texas Confederate Woman's Home, Texas Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute For Colored Youths, etc. A view of Lake Austin, the "Highlands" addition, Hyde Park addition, Aldridge Place, Barton Springs Bathing Pool, and much more. Information is also provided on Austin including population, area in square miles, miles of paved and improved streets, number of fire hydrants, numbers of telephones in use, etc. as well as the points around Austin which every tourist should see. Covers are moderately soiled with chips to the fore-edges and wear to the spine ends and spine panel, missing from the front cover is a small (6.3 x 9 cm) picture of Lake Austin, else interior is clean and tight and in quite usable condition. Overall a very good copy of a scarce item of a prominent Texas city.

Inventory Number: 43003