Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

Annual Review Of The Iron Mining And Other Industries Of The Upper Peninsula For The Year Ending Dec., 31, 1880 A. P. SWINEFORD

Annual Review Of The Iron Mining And Other Industries Of The Upper Peninsula For The Year Ending Dec., 31, 1880


Other works by A. P. SWINEFORD

Publication: Mining Journal, 1881, N P

7.5" x 5.5" pink printed wrappers. 170 pages, 30 pages of advertisements, folded Reed & Breese plat map of the Lake Superior Iron Mines, "which may be had free upon application." Discusses several mines to include the Jackson Mine, the Lake Superior Mine, the New York Mine, the Humboldt Mine, the Champion Mine, the Republic Mine, the Mitchell Mine, the National Mine, the Goodrich Mine, the Vulcan Mine, the Quinnesec Mine, and many others, as well as offering mine yields in tons for the various mines in the years 1880 and prior. Discusses blast furnaces and with tables exhibiting the output of various mines together with approximate value of their product. Information on equipment used, employment, etc. Front cover faded, extremities and spine considerably chipped as well as the title being written in pen on the spine. Rear cover chipped and with a tear that has been repaired with cellophane tape. Good.

Inventory Number: 34989
