Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

An Illustrated Sketch Book Of Riley County, Kansas. "The Blue Ribbon County" Anonymous

An Illustrated Sketch Book Of Riley County, Kansas. "The Blue Ribbon County"


Other works by Anonymous

Publication: The Nationalist, 1881, Manhattan

7 3/4" x 6" blue printed wrappers with decorative type border, 142 pp. (including covers), illustrated, plates, appendix, table of contents, advertisements. Much information on farm products and livestock. Discusses the character of the people of Kansas. Includes the Bismarck Fair Report on Riley County. Information on the soil, crops, rainfall, horses, mules, the barge system, manufacturing and its advantages, religion and morality, education, etc. A 2-page business directory followed by 92 pages dealing primarily with Manhattan of biographical information on important men and businesses in Manhattan to include Hon John A. Anderson, E.B. Purcell and the Manhattan Mill and Elevator Building, the Rocky Ford Mills, Hon. Geo. W. Higinbotham, the general merchants Stingley & Huntress, hardware dealer P.W. Zeigler, dealer in farm implements W.H. Love, H.A. Young & Co., as well as many other proprietors of various businesses. Also has information on people and businesses in Ashland Township, Jackson Township, Swede Creek Township, Mayday Township, Grant Township, Zeandale Township, etc. Advertising for the sale of Red Belle, property of C.M. Gifford on rear wrapper. Inside rear wrapper is an illustration and advertisement for the Kimble Pump. Spine cover missing but all text still intact. Light stamp of the Anderson Memorial Library at bottom corner as well as the small letters "AZE" lightly printed at top along with a small area of sticker residue of front wrappers. Light chipping to edges of front and rear wrappers. A very interesting item.

Inventory Number: 35615