Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

A Souvenir. The St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Illustrated St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad

A Souvenir. The St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Illustrated

St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad

Other works by St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad

Publication: Lon Hardman, 1895, St Joseph

10 1/2 x 14" gilt stamped light blue cloth. 160 (+4) pp., many portraits and other illustrations, advertisements, small map, index. History of the railroad, profiles and portraits of company officials. Profiles and portraits of all the prominent businessmen and their firms along the route in Missouri and Nebraska. Covers faded and quite soiled; a couple pages with light chipping to bottom edge. A very interesting genealogical item.

Inventory Number: 37909