Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

A Shroud For Aquarius. MAX ALLAN COLLINS

A Shroud For Aquarius.


Other works by MAX ALLAN COLLINS

Publication: Walker and Company, 1985, New York

First edition. Signed. Fine in dust jacket slightly faded on the spine. Mallory receives a call from the local Sheriff asking for help in solving the murder of one of Mallory's childhood friends. Neither Mallory nor the Sheriff believe she committed suicide. Tracing her life back from her recent business success to her '60s-style rebellion, Mallory uncovers gambling and drug trafficking in the dead womanAs history ... a history some of her associates will try to persuade him to leave alone.

Inventory Number: 18971