Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

A Numismatic Manual; Or, Guide To The Study Of Greek, Roman, And English Coins: With Plates From The Originals JOHN Y. AKERMAN

A Numismatic Manual; Or, Guide To The Study Of Greek, Roman, And English Coins: With Plates From The Originals


Other works by JOHN Y. AKERMAN

Publication: Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange, 1832, London

First edition. 6 1/8" x 4 1/4" original cloth with gold numismatic design stamped on the front cover and spine, [9], xii, 170 [4], plus [16], [36] pp., frontispiece [ancient coins], preface, illustrated, 7 plates are present as called for, abbreviations, footnotes, and 36 pages of advertisements about books published by Effinghan Wilson. The History of the Pulteney Guinea and The Farthings of Queen Anne are included at the end of this volume. Two small bookplates by former owners on front pastedown sheet, numerous clippings throughout the volume that refer to numismatic finds and discoveries (which add to the knowledge of coins), a brief inked inscription at head of title page, light wear to the spine ends and an old repair to the head of spine, else a good to very good volume.

Inventory Number: 44530