Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

320 Acres Free In The Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain, And Mouse River Country In North Dakota. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway

320 Acres Free In The Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain, And Mouse River Country In North Dakota.

St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway

Other works by St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway

Publication: The JMW Jones Stationery and Printing Co, 1883, Chicago

22 ½" x 25 3/4" sheet folded to 42 panels. Outermost panels printed in red and black. Issued to promote the travel to and settlement of the Red River Valley area and lands west of there. "Every Man a Free Holder. How to Secure a Free Home in North Dakota. Sectional Map and Full Particulars Published by the St. Paul, Minneapolis, & Manitoba Rail-way." The text panels provide much information regarding agricultural production in the region. Wheat production, stock raising, soil and climate, and other agricultural products are described along with information on Devil's Lake, the Mouse River Valley, the Turtle Mountain region, Stump Lake, etc. On verso the small map shows "The St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway System and its Important Connections." The large map illustrates in detail the northwestern part of Minnesota from Breakenridge northward and east to include Barnesville, Ada, Crookston, etc. and Dakota north from Wahpeton north and west to Ft. Stevenson on the Missouri River northward, and includes southern Manitoba to Winnipeg. Also on this side is an extensive section of text describing "Government Lands, and How to Get Them" with emphasis on pre-emptions, homesteads, and tree claims. Another large section entitled, "Facts From a Farmer in North Dakota on the Line of the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba R'y." In this section Mr. James Twamley, a Grand Fork area farmer and wholesale grocer describes local agricultural production and recommends specific varieties of wheat, oats, corn, squash, beets, cabbages, carrots, beans, onions, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, berries, currants, plums, grapes, potatoes, and fodder corn. 1" closed tear to bottom edge of one panel, splits at one fold and to top edge have been professionally repaired. An interesting and attractive promotional. A very scarce work.

Inventory Number: 41860