Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

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1927 Wrecked Car Photograph - "This Car Has Full Coverage Insurance With Max R. Webb" WEBB, MAX R,

1927 Wrecked Car Photograph - "This Car Has Full Coverage Insurance With Max R. Webb"


Other works by WEBB, MAX R,

Publication: Photograph by Webb Insurance, 1927, Miami, Arizona

9 1/2" x 8" black and white photograph of a wrecked 1920 vintage automobile sedan.. On the verso of the photograph are the penciled words "Webb Insurance, Miami, Arizona Mining Camp." On the front of the photograph is a sign placed on the front of the car that reads "This car has full Coverage Insurance with Max R. Webb." Clearly visible is the Arizona License Plate 4-2385, 1927. Very good condition.

Inventory Number: 52820
