Publication: Privately printed, 1916, NP
5" x 3 1/4" in green printed wrappers, stapled at spine. [24]pp including covers. This brochure is a 1916 Presidential Election booklet, filled with full-page beautiful color illustrations advertising the various products of Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company. Color advertising for Star Tobacco, Duke's Mixture, Velvet Smokarols, Horse Shoe Chewing Tobacco, Fatima Turkish Cigarettes, Drummond Natural Leaf Plug Tobacco, Piedmont Cigarettes, J.T. Bright Clubs Plug Tobacco, Tinsley's Natural Leaf, The Richmond Straight Cut Cork Tip Cigarettes, and Velvet Tobacco (on rear cover). In addition to the advertisements is a listing of presidential possibilities and a bit of information on each man. Names include Woodrow Wilson, Champ Clark, Samuel W. McCall, John Wingate Weeks, Elihu Root, Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore E. Burton, Charles W. Fairbanks, Robert M. La Follette, William E. Borah, Albert B. Cummins, and Charles E. Hughes. Booklet also includes charts showing popular and electoral votes by state for President in 1912; charts showing the names, birth dates, birthplaces, homes when elected, vocations, number of terms served, etc.; a listing of members of the President's Cabinet, the Judiciary, the 64th Congress; the number of democrats/republicans in the house and senate; chart showing electoral and popular vote during presidential elections from 1840 and a chart showing by state the names of governors and their salaries. George S. Myers and John Edmund Liggett created Liggett & Myers Co. in 1873. Until the early 20th century, Liggett & Myers was best known for its chewing, or plug, tobacco. In 1899, two years after the death of Mr. Liggett, the company was acquired by James Duke's American Tobacco Co., which came to be known as the "tobacco trust." In 1911, a year after Mr. Myers' death, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the trust dissolved. L&M was one of four companies that emerged, along with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Lorillard Tobacco Co. and a new American Tobacco Co. The tobacco trust's various brands were divided among the new sibling companies. Light soiling and with light chipping to corners and edges of wrappers. Very good.
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