Rare and First Edition Books from Buckingham Books

Dealer in Rare and First-Edition Books:  Western Americana; Mystery, Detective, and Espionage Fiction

1890. Facts About South Dakota: An Official Encyclopedia Containing Useful Information In Handy Form For Settlers, Home-Seekers And Investors, In Regard To Soil, Climate, Productions, Advantages And Development - Agriculture, Manufacturing, Commercial And Mineral. The Great Sioux Reservation Recently Opened For Settlement. The Government Land Laws, Etc Commissioner Of Immigration, Under Authority Granted By The State Legislature

1890. Facts About South Dakota: An Official Encyclopedia Containing Useful Information In Handy Form For Settlers, Home-Seekers And Investors, In Regard To Soil, Climate, Productions, Advantages And Development - Agriculture, Manufacturing, Commercial And Mineral. The Great Sioux Reservation Recently Opened For Settlement. The Government Land Laws, Etc

Commissioner Of Immigration, Under Authority Granted By The State Legislature

Other works by Commissioner Of Immigration, Under Authority Granted By The State Legislature

Publication: Aberdeen News Company, 1890, Aberdeen

8 1/2" x 5 3/4" printed brown wrappers. 64pp., contents. Offers information about the state's boundaries, its natural divisions, the state's soil, its climate, to include information on the length of the seasons, rainfall, storms, blizzards, etc.; the healthfulness of this climate with information on the mortality rate; agricultural productions with information on wheat, corn, oats, flax, flowers, fruits, grasses, etc.; livestock; ore in the Black Hills, various minerals; timber; water supply; education; religious organizations; various institutions and manufacturers; etc. 8 pages devoted to the Sioux Reservation to include the White River Valley, the ad River Valley, the Cheyenne Valley, the Badlands, information on how the new lands are to be acquired, how to acquire government land, etc. An very interesting and very informative "encyclopedia" promotional that promotes the opening of the Sioux Indian Reservation to settlement immediately. Written prior to Wounded Knee Massacre in December, 1890. Front wrapper with 2" closed tear to bottom along with chipping to spine and to extremities. Title is printed at spine edge of front panel with portions of title missing. Very good.

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